Roman Jansen (he/him)
Child Psychotherapist, Clinical Family Therapist & Accredited Mental Health Social Worker
Roman uses empathy, curiosity and expertise to develop a warm relationship with his clients. He is known for his humour, which is sometimes a useful way of introducing a new interpretation or new point of view about the problem. Simultaneously, Roman is skilled at helping clients feel understood and respected, which encourages them to open up more fully about their struggles and concerns.
As a clinical family therapist and psychotherapist, he works with both individuals and families to untangle situations that feel stuck. With his extensive experience, clients feel comfortable talking to him about anything, regardless of their age, sexual orientation, neurodivergence or life experiences.
Roman believes that no matter how difficult a person’s past or circumstances may be, a respectful and supportive relationship can be the foundation for meaningful change, given hard work and commitment on both sides.
Roman has vast experience in assessing and treating mental health problems using evidence-based interventions. He is particularly interested in applying the psychodynamic framework for its ability to understand the symbolic meaning of food, body image and weight in the client’s emotional life.
Roman is also skilled at family-based approaches that shed light on the eating disorder as a component of the broader family system; attachment-based frameworks that understand the persistence of eating disorder in terms of trauma and insecure attachment; and narrative approaches that encourage the family to reframe their collective story around the eating disorder to create a new, empowering narrative that promotes recovery.